About Kirby Whitten Chiropractic in Bartlett, TN.
Dr. Cornies is a chiropractor who uses true principals of chiropractic care to help your body function optimally and get you out of pain as quickly as possible!
Dr. Cornies treats many patients who have experienced excellent results with problems such as: back pain, neck pain, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, leg pain, sciatica, shoulder and arm pain, hip and leg pain, arthritis pain, auto accident injuries, sports injuries, and work injuries to name some of the problems that Dr. Cornies has gotten specifically great results treating.
Contact us today and see for yourself what a difference an integrated approach combining chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic exercises, nutritional counselling, weight loss coaching, and ergonomic advise for the home and the workplace can mean for you and your bodies health. Start your journey to get out of pain and function optimally today!