Kirby Whitten Chiropractic is proud to offer personalized Chiropractic Care in Bartlett, TN, for Bartlett, and the greater Memphis, TN area.
Our job is to locate and correct the cause of numerous health complaints such as neck pain, lower back and hip pain, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, leg and arm pain-numbness-or tingling, sprains and strains from auto accidents and sports injuries… and many more.
Kirby Whitten Chiropractic can help!
Chiropractor in Bartlett, TN
Please give us a call or feel free to explore our site to learn more about our services. We want you to feel comfortable knowing that from your first visit, you will be treated with the care and compassion you would expect from a team of professionals.
Located near Memphis, in Bartlett, TN, Dr. Matthew Cornies is available to answer your health questions.